Luna Tuna fishing contesta fiësta

———- side quest: Luna Tuna fishing contesta fiësta ——–

Needed: 5000 SQUARES, Patients / luck.
Reward, 12438 experience Tuna sword, 10 Full potions.

From the milky bread farm head south till you see a small island with a wooden bridge. Enter it and walk to the east where Tania is waiting by the fence. She tells you that a fishing contest is going on. Enter the contest when you can miss 5000 SQUARES.
Don’t forget a few chests that are on the island and start fishing. Keep fishing Tuna till you are out of Tuna hooks then walk to Tania. She tells you what your heaviest catch is and if it is higher then the fish someone else you go to the tent and wait for the results. Keep in mind that catching a fish around 72 Pounds is sufficient to win this one, but you need to have some luck if you can be caught any. Also, make sure to equip the right hooks and rod, or else they won’t bite and are very hard to reel in. Make sure to only reel in when a fish swims your way, else don’t touch any buttons.