One big update coming up!
The windows version is released. Because I think it is time that Crypchania is out of beta and going full throttle. The setup is available for download at the front page ( and works on most Windows platforms (fully tested it myself on windows 7) Any bugs with windows 10 or other Windows OS releases, just let me know. Also when there are small updates like map changes and typos the game is updated fully by replacing the game.exe (also downloaded on the front page Both are updated to the latest version since today 29-9-2019.
I started on a small press kit page and a Questions and Answers page (I’m working on it).
keep an eye out on the press kit page, there is a link to an unofficial walk though, created by some beta testers. I’m allowed to release it here for all of you who want to get everything at the game.
So again, I hope you enjoy the game. And have fun!